Favorite Things…
As we’ve been in the USA for the last few weeks, we’re so thankful for the new life that abounds at the Sarobidy Maternity Center. New babies, new mamas, new papas… the exquisiteness of watching a family be born is breathtaking.
We praise the Lord for His care of these women and babies, we praise Him for the ways He is drawing whole families to Himself and we praise Him for the ways He is using the midwives of the Sarobidy Maternity Center to share His abounding love for them!
In Need of Baby Clothes…
As new moms deliver at the Sarobidy Maternity Center and return to our postpartum program, we gift each of them with a newborn layette set. It’s of great encouragement to these new moms, most of which, live in extreme poverty.
Currently, our stock is running low and we’re looking for lots of new or gently used 0-6 months baby clothes.
We would love your assistance in helping to meet this need! If interested, you can send all items, even after our upcoming departure to:
Sarobidy Maternity Center
C/O Sue Wuertz
1534 San Miguel Ave
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
Favorite Things…
On the last night with the ten 7th grade boys in the Okapi dorm we had a special time of lifting one another up, affirming one another with written notes, praying, laughing and having a dance party.
The next morning, on our last morning with them in the dorm, Jamie and I woke early to make a large spread of homemade pancakes and eggs before sending them off to school for their last day of 7th grade. Each of the boys, between bites of pancakes, went around and shared their favorite memories of the past term.
* Soccer in the gym
* Night hikes
* Staying up late on special occasions
* Getting to know everyone better
* Just hanging out
* Dorm Birthday parties that we were all invited to
* Having dorm brothers and sisters
* Homemade pancakes
* Eating 6.6lbs of sweet and sour pork on my birthday
* Having Uncle Jamie and Aunt Alissa as dorm parents
If we had to have a top 10 list of our favorite things of this term at RVA… each of these would also be on our list… playing soccer, hanging out, getting to know these incredible boys, birthday parties, feeding them, 10 additional brothers for our kids and having the privilege of standing in the gap with these guys while their parents are far away.
Returning to Africa…
Thank you to all who have prayed and checked in with us as we’ve been in California for the last 3 weeks. Our time is quickly coming to a close and we fly out again on August 18th! We’ve managed to enjoy a few favorite things while here amidst a heavy work load and preparations. We foresee that we’ll be returning to Africa far more tired than when we came. We would greatly appreciate your prayers that we would navigate the art of finding margin in our lives for rest and refreshment.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and in partnership!
Alissa, Jamie, Isabella, Eliana and Gavin
Wow – we LOVE your pics and letters! What an outreach, and filling such a needed hole!! (that word sounds kind of harsh, but you know what I mean!) You are definitely in our prayers and I know you know God has gone before you and is with you and all the details NOW!!
Love , Becky and Doug