A Run in Memory….

Posted by on April 14, 2012 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Do you all remember Steve Irwin… AKA The Crocodile Hunter? I have always shared a similar love and passion for the wild and the animals within. Last week I finally got an hour to go for a run so I decided to explore the forests of Subic Bay Freeport Zone. In hindsight, it was a run in memory of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.
It all started off with a face off with a troop of cranky Macaque monkeys, all whom had serious cases of Napoleon complex. For ten minutes I stood my ground with my teeth bared and pathetically mimicked their grunting. When they charged me, I charged back…making my teeth look as ferocious as possible. I am proud to announce I was victorious and proved my dominance. A few minutes later, I cut straight up through the forest only to see one of the most incredible sites. There before me was a lizard with its arms and legs outstretched with an open parachute-like skin flap, flying–20, no 30, no 40 feet gliding through the forest from one tree to another. Amazing, absolutely incredible! I ran after him as fast as I could but unfortunately the lizard vanished up the next tree. A little further on my run I paused for a few minutes under a bamboo forest and caught the movement of something out of the corner of my eye. Upon further investigation an iguana-like lizard jetted out through my legs. After several attempts I caught the lizard that aggressively showed me his yellow mouth and teeth. What a beauty he was with a sleek, vibrant red body. It was an awesome run and I thank God for so many cool creatures to share it with. And as for my wife, Alissa… well she thanks God that I didn’t run into any poisonous snakes, but I on the other hand, would have loved the encounter.


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