Back in Africa!

Posted by on January 14, 2024 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Full House…

Thank you for your prayers that traveled with us back to Kenya at the end of December. Visa issues delayed us by a few days but we landed in Kenya in time to ring in the New Year with friends here. Within a short 7-day span, we moved out of our house in California, checked in 15 pieces of luggage from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City to Paris to Nairobi, celebrated New Years, unpacked and stocked our house with food and supplies, Alissa came down with Bacterial Walking Pneumonia, pushed through jet lag, welcomed TWENTY sophomore boys back into the dorm, students began classes and we celebrated a dorm family night with food and games! Phew! 

We’re thankful to be back into this ministry of walking with and discipling missionary kids! We’re also thankful that a week into the term and we’re finding our rhythms again in the dorm and coaching on the soccer field! 

Graduating SMC…

At the end of each month, we have a small graduation ceremony for the women who have completed our maternity program. This entails celebrating their 12-14 month accomplishment of attending weekly health education classes and Bible studies, regular prenatal, postpartum and well-baby visits and being a part of this sweet community of moms. With each graduation ceremony, we celebrate these strong and mighty women with a certificate of completion, snacks, applause over their baby’s growth, development and weight gain, as well as a foot-washing and pedicure. It’s not lost on me that each month as these moms and babies graduate, that we’re also celebrating LIFE and health and the Lord’s care over them during pregnancy and childbirth- an all too often dangerous time for women in Madagascar. 

Please join us in praising the Lord for this most recent group of women who graduated from the Sarobidy Maternity Center! Likewise, please join us in praying for them as they raise these precious babes! 

Almost There…

Thank you to all who have graciously joined our partnership team or have increased your regular donation! Because of your generosity, we were cleared to return to Africa… we are so grateful! 

We’re still slightly short of our monthly financial need now that we’re back on the field with increased costs. Would you prayerfully consider joining our monthly or quarterly financial partnership team or increasing your monthly commitment?

There’s three ways you can join our team…

1. CLICK HERE and follow the link to set up your secure account with WorldVenture where you can proceed to make an on-going commitment or one-time gift. 

2. CALL (800) 487-4224 and select option #1 to speak with someone 8am-4pm MST (M-Th). 

3. MAIL a check to:


 20 Inverness Pl E

Englewood, CO 80112-5622

Please specify your donation by writing account #173 in the memo line. 

(Note, for tax purposes, our names should not appear on the check.)

Thank you for partnering with our family over the last 13 years… from the USA to the Philippines (midwifery training), France (language study), Madagascar and Kenya. This journey has been arduous and beautiful and everything in between! Through it all, the Lord has been gracious in His tender care of our family and your partnership is one of these ways He has shown His care! 

As we start this new year, we pray for the Lord’s tender care of you and your loved ones as well!

With love, 

Jamie, Alissa, Isabella, Eliana and Gavin

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