Camouflage and Grace…
Last month Jamie and the Tahirin’Ala team drove 30km up the coast to a quickly disappearing forest. This dry deciduous remnant forest is illegally being divided and small plots of land sold to people. Sadly, the first thing most people do when they acquire land is clear cut the trees and bushes and burn the land. Sometimes this is to stake their claim or “clean” the land, other times, to make way to plant crops or build a house. As these forests disappear so do the incredibly unique and endemic plant and animal life. Jamie and the group of guys occasionally do plant and animal rescues in this region. This particular day, Jamie spotted a terrestrial (ground) orchid deeply camouflaged by leaves. He brushed away the leaves to expose the orchid to the others. Jamie asked the group of guys if they saw any others. They intently looked around but couldn’t find a single orchid until they began to move the leaf litter, exposing dozens of wild terrestrial orchids under foot.
While Jamie and the guys were crouched down on the forest floor, Jamie began to talk with the group about how each of our lives are like that of these orchids. “We can try to hide away amongst the world, believing we’re safe to live our lives on our own but the reality is, we’re doomed to death and destruction, just like these orchids.” Jamie continued, “just like we’re literally plucking these orchids from the ground and saving them from the destruction that lays ahead, so Jesus wants to save us from our destruction and death and bring us into eternal safety and life with Him.”
Jamie went on to encourage each of these 15 men in their faith journeys. Please be in prayer with us for these men– for those who don’t know the Lord, that they would seek Him and surrender their hearts and lives into the loving hands of Christ. And for those who are already firmly planted in their faith, that they would continue to fall more in love with the Lord and faithfully walk with Him.
Maternal Health in the face of Covid…
Sadly, the presence of Covid is full-force in our city of Mahajanga. At the beginning of this pandemic, we greatly modified our programs at the Sarobidy Maternity Center as we watched and learned about Covid. Now, like most of the rest of the world, the Sarobidy Maternity Center has adjusted how we’re working to continue this vital ministry in the midst of this pandemic.
The unexpected gift during this season has been that of time… time to stand back, time to take stock, time to examine the ministry of the Sarobidy Maternity Center, our goals and strategies, time to listen to the Lord’s leading, follow accordingly and make plans for next steps. We’re excited for the ways God is leading us in the continued care of mothers and babies as well as the advancement and continued education for our midwifery team.
Please join us in praying for both the leadership team as well as the midwifery team of the Sarobidy Maternity Center as we implement these exciting new strategies for growth and development.
One of the deep joys for Jamie and I is when we see the cross-over between Eden Reforestation Projects and the Sarobidy Maternity Center. Sometimes it’s women who have gone through our program and later become employees with Eden. Earlier this month it was the opposite, this husband and wife, both employees of Eden Projects, came to enroll in our prenatal program at the Sarobidy Maternity Center. They’re expecting their third baby in the new year.
As our family of five recovers from Covid… less than three months after we each battled Dengue Fever, we’re thankful for the Lord’s hand of mercy and protection over us! Please join us in praying for full and complete restoration of health without long-term post-covid effects.
Thank you for your faithful partnership and prayers that the Lord is using to genuinely sustain us and encourage us during both exciting and difficult days.
With love, Jamie, Alissa, Isabella, Eliana and Gavin
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