Fingerprints in the Details…. December News

Posted by on January 6, 2016 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Home Assignment by the Numbers…

As we wrap up our time in the USA we look back to all that occurred in such a short amount of time. Historically, our time in the USA has been busier than we plan, hope for or anticipate– this time was no different and we’ve come to the realization that this is our “normal” here– and as such, we simply cannot buck it or complain about it!  🙂  Our time in the States is full of a different type of work but one that allows us to continue to work in Madagascar– logistically, financially, mentally, spiritually and health-wise.

   And so, a glimpse into our home assignment by the numbers…

1–Master’sthesis completed and a Master’s of Art in Intercultural Studies degree awarded from Fuller Seminary– 10 years in the making!

1–Ambulance PURCHASED after receiving a grant, generous donations from individuals and proceeds from our Sarobidy Creations artisan sales.

17– Different planes we flew on

18–Presentations we gave

6– Churches we spoke in
16– Women who volunteered 2 full days to help us tag and price all the Sarobidy Creations merchandise
11– Sarobidy Creations sales we conducted in 8 weeks
2,000+–Brochures for the Sarobidy Maternity Center and Sarobidy Creations that were passed out during the artisan sales
1–Santa sighting in Santa Barbara
46– The number of doctor appointments, specialists, procedures, physical therapy or other medical appointments (33– of these appointments were for Alissa)
4–Grants written for the Sarobidy Maternity Center
1– Wholesale partnership application submitted for Sarobidy Creations
4–Helicopter flights Jamie flew on while back in Madagascar in September
2– Movies we enjoyed in the theatre and two days of ice skating
$$$– the amount of money we spent on clothes, shoes, bathing suits, medications and other items needed for a family of five for the next two years– thankfully we no longer need to purchase and bring out toilet paper… Seriously!
10–Sweet cousins our kids had a blast playing with
5– The number of States we were in
5– The number of countries we were in
294– The number of thank you notes written and sent
18 and 6– The number of respective states and countriesthat said thank you notes were mailed to
1– Quickbooks program we were trained in for the Sarobidy Maternity Center and Sarobidy Creations finances
3–Computers that were completely and professionally overhauled
12– weeks of soccer practices and games for each of our three kids
1– 12 day debriefing conference in Colorado
1– 5 day Africa leadership conference in Ghana
100+–Phone calls made to Madagascar to help oversee the ongoing work and ministry– most late at night due to the 10-11 hour time difference
5– The number of units we’ve been working with as they prepare to move to Madagascar (4 families and one single woman)
6– Local coffee shops that became our regular makeshift office space during the day while we worked and at night while Jamie studied
3–Parades we enjoyed, 1 of which the kids were in
12–Surf sessions Jamie was able to enjoy (but not nearly as many as he would have liked!)
5–Layers of clothes that Alissa sometimes had to wear to stay warm… it is chilly in Southern California after all!
Priceless– The ability to focus on partnership development while in the USA– take our word for it when we say it’s waayyyyy harder from the other side of the globe!
Priceless– The gift of amazing Christian Education in English for our 3 growing kids as they completed half a school year in 4th grade, 2nd grade and kindergarten  
Priceless– The joy of being with family, friends, community and church in English here in the USA.
   Thank you to all of you who have covered us in prayer during these months of transition and work here in the USA!  


Click here to continue reading our December news….

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