Pondering and the Busies
Ok, so I think I just totally made up that word…. the busies but nonetheless, that’s what life is these days. Full of the busies, with studying for my midwifery board exams, writing thank you notes, partnership development, purchasing plane tickets, organizing events, developing a website, teaching our kids to read, being a mom and a wife and daughter and trying to find some sanity in it all with exercise and quiet time and talking-to-my-husband time and just like for all of you…. the list goes on and on. At the same time, life is full of pondering for me right now. Pondering life in America, life in Madagascar, poverty, abundance, injustice, grace. The busies caused by all this pondering are going around in my head these days. Fortunately, running and my feet hitting the pavement helps me to process these things a bit as the endorphins get going and my head clears some. I hope at some point, that the word block will end and I’ll release all these thoughts and share them here but for now, I’ve got to attend to the busies of the daily life.
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