Alongside the Next Generation…

Alongside the Next Generation…

By definition, a Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who spends a significant part of his or her first 18 years of life accompanying parent(s) into a country that is different from at least one parent’s passport country(ies) due to a parent’s choice of work or advanced training. Examples of TCKs include Missionary Kids, Military Kids, Foreign Service Kids and NGO kids. The majority of kids at Rift Valley Academy are Missionary Kids yet all fall...

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Back in Africa!

Back in Africa!

Full House… Thank you for your prayers that traveled with us back to Kenya at the end of December. Visa issues delayed us by a few days but we landed in Kenya in time to ring in the New Year with friends here. Within a short 7-day span, we moved out of our house in California, checked in 15 pieces of luggage from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City to Paris to Nairobi, celebrated New Years, unpacked and stocked our house with food and supplies,...

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