Take off…

Posted by on March 4, 2018 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

And… we’re off!

We’re sitting waiting to board our first flight. Goodbyes have been said, tears shed and home assignment is complete. It was intense, in some ways—predictably so and in other ways it was intense in ways we could never imagine.

Here’s a snapshot of our last seven months by the numbers…

* We moved houses 6 times

* 3000+ Sarobidy Creations items that were tagged and priced by countless friends and family that graciously helped

* 13 Sarobidy Creations sales

* We had the privilege to formally share about the work in Madagascar 27 times

* Traveled to 4 states

* 33 kids’ soccer games that we blissfully enjoyed as we wildly cheered from the sidelines!

* 3 wonderful weeks with Josy during his much-anticipated trip to America from Madagascar

* 22 people that we hosted for a combined 37 days within a 8-week time frame!

* Countless hours of amazing conversations with dear friends and family

* 1 Eden Reforestation Projects national and international board meeting

* 3 midwifery and continuing education trainings

* 11 road trips for said trainings, time with teammates, doctor appointments, church presentations, a glorious camping trip plus an exhaustive number of trips to Los Angeles

* 1 launched Sarobidy Creations website (http://www.sarobidycreations.com)

* 5 days of wonderful, healing, and affirming debrief in Colorado

* Several and yet never enough, daddy/daughter surf dates

* Countless number of hours spent communicating with the Madagascar team via skype, facetime and facebook messenger.

* 896 give or take a few, Amazon orders delivered to our house

* 1 Twenty-foot U-haul truck that was packed and delivered to a container in Sacramento that will soon set sail for Madagascar  (plus a 14” boat!)

* Hours upon hours of life-giving joy for our children with their friends, cousins and grandparents

* 1 Thomas Fire—the largest fire in California history that we endured as a community

* 1 tragic debris flow that shook our community to it’s core and claimed the lives of 23 people, two of which are still missing

* 6 unexpected but much needed and appreciated additional weeks in America

* Unnumbered ways in which we’ve seen the Lord’s gracious care, provision and protection in our lives

* Our 5 hearts that have swelled with love and gratitude for the blessing of being in community with so many of you during our time here!


We covet your prayers as we depart for Madagascar today, March 1st. We’ll arrive back in our home on March 7th and we’re eager to reunite with friends, our routines and the ministry in Madagascar!


With love and deep gratitude for standing with us through prayer and partnership.

Jamie, Alissa, Isabella, Eliana and Gavin


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