Ten on Ten– a catch up…
Ten on Ten– a chance to capture ten images (ideally every hour for 10 hours) on the tenth of the month. I’ve managed to whip my camera out every month, sometimes capturing 10 images, sometimes not– but what I haven’t managed to do is anything with these pictures after snapping them.
These last three months have been a whirlwind split between transitioning from Madagascar to France, biggish city to smallish town, ministry to language study, home to apartment, house full of kids to wanting the kids (our kids!) out of our tight space! Despite the changes, there is beauty. Always.
August 2018–
September 2018–
The 10th fell on a Monday, hence the only images captured were before school, home for lunch and then again after classes. The five of us go to three different schools with three different schedules. It’s bit nutty at times.
This bike basket has become a dear friend…. holding groceries, water bottles, packages…
The kids somehow managed to have a series of mishaps… with bonks, bruises, goose eggs, scratches and fat lips all at the same time… you can take the kid out of Africa but you can’t take the Africa out of the kid…
And in totally classic Eliana fashion….
October 2018–
We’re so thankful that we don’t have classes on Wednesdays… it makes for sleepovers on Tuesdays, playing with friends, grocery shopping and the ever-looming studies…
love to see you guys at least in pictures. miss you. love you.
Wowzers what a contrast of two worlds! Thank you again for capturing your lives with pictures! Seeing your daily life on the 10th of the month somehow makes the distance of being on the other side of the world seem closer.