Ten on Ten- May 2017
Ten images on the tenth of the month to capture the beauty in the ordinary of daily life.
Like many of you, life here sometimes feels like we can get in a deep rut day in and day out… work, school, cook, work, school, cook, throw in drama and birth and frustrations of life, throw in late night skype calls, extreme poverty, death, more drama…
The things I love about living in this country are numerous… and at the same time so are the things that drain me. I would be lying if I said that there were a lot of things that “fill my tank” here. Top of the list by far is a quiet Saturday lounging at the beach or pool as the kids frolic and play.
The tenth of this month was different… it was a life-giving morning of good time with great ladies that I feel blessed to share life with for this short season. Breakfast date at the only legit breakfast cafe in town and custom ordering sandals for each of us. Good conversation and laughter followed by the joy of being home, pausing from work and tasks each hour to snap an image of life all around and count these days as blessings.
Using that picture of all those beautiful beads in my Trades of Hope Facebook parties! Woot woot!!!!
I adore this ten on ten! Thank you for this wonderful pictorial of your life on this day! I imported all of the photos to may pictures. I love yoy dear daughter of mine