Ultrasounds, Reuniting and Shopping with a Purpose…
Ultrasound Training…
In 2016, the Sarobidy Maternity Center received a partial grant for a beautiful ultrasound machine and probes to be used as part of our prenatal care. Later, we coordinated with Hope Imaging for two sonographers to travel to Madagascar for two weeks to teach the art of ultrasound for basic scanning of pregnancies, dating, fetal weight, position, etc. Over the last 5 years, three of the Malagasy midwives have been doing a stellar job with this. While the midwives perform ultrasounds for medical assessment purposes, it’s a precious time for mamas to see their babies for the first time, see their heart strongly beating, and legs and arms moving freely.

Last month, we were thrilled to welcome back Angie, the sonographer from 2018, as well as another sonographer, Abby. Two weeks, 70 hours, 6 midwives and lots of beautiful babies seen on ultrasound, lots of gracious mamas that allowed us to scan their bellies and so much new knowledge acquired.

The first week, three new midwives learned the art of basic ultrasound scanning. The second week, the advanced team of midwives who have been performing ultrasounds for last 5 years, received advanced training, including anatomy scanning of the heart, kidneys, spine and more.
We’re so very grateful to Hope Imaging and to Angie and Abby for their sacrificial gift of their time and talents to train our staff! We’re absolutely thrilled with the continued expansion of skills and the number of midwives at the Sarobidy Maternity Center who can now provide these services for the mothers and babies in our midst.

We praise the Lord for the way He organizes details, brings people together from opposite sides of the globe for His purpose… to build relationships, to share His love with one another, to train together and ultimately, to exhibit Christ’s love for women and families that come through the doors of the Sarobidy Maternity Center. Would you pray with us that these skills would continue to bless pregnant mothers and that they would see how beautifully their babies are knit in their womb by the work of the Lord’s hands.
Crossing Continents and Oceans…
As many of you know, our daughter Isabella (17), decided to return to Rift Valley Academyin Kenya so that she could complete the entirety of her senior year with her amazing and close-knit circle of friends there. The term is coming to an end and we’re beyond ecstatic to welcome her back into our arms! Would you join us in praying for her as she makes the long 24+ hour trek from Kenya back to California on her own, arriving back with us this Saturday, November 25th!

The Sarobidy Creations Sale is Almost Here!
Many have been patiently waiting for the Sarobidy Creations sale… and it’s just in time for your Christmas shopping! We have a new collection of the beloved Malagasy raffia baskets made by Madame Nivo, as well as beautiful earrings, necklaces, bracelets and ornaments made by the Sarobidy Creations artisans. As always, 100% of proceeds benefit the Sarobidy Maternity Center in Madagascar!! Please invite and/or share with your friends and family!!
SATURDAY, December 2
10am – 4pm
1534 San Miguel Ave (on the Mesa)
If you’re not in Santa Barbara, you can also order online at www.sarobidycreations.com

Closing the Gap…
Thank you to all who have graciously joined our partnership team or have increased your regular donation! Because of your generosity, we’re closing the gap on our financial partnership needs which also gets us one step closer to returning to Africa in less than 5 weeks! With just over a $1000 a month to go, we’re still in need of monthly or quarterly partnership in any amount, large or small! Would you prayerfully consider joining our financial partnership team or increasing your monthly commitment?
There’s three ways you can join our team…
1. CLICK HERE and follow the link to set up your secure account with WorldVenture where you can proceed to make an on-going commitment or one-time gift.
2. CALL (800) 487-4224 and select option #1 to speak with someone 8am-4pm MST (M-Th).
3. MAIL a check to:
20 Inverness Pl E
Englewood, CO 80112-5622
Please specify your donation by writing account #173 in the memo line.
(Note, for tax purposes, our names should not appear on the check.)
Thank you for partnering with our family, in praise and prayer, from one end of the globe to another! On this Thanksgiving Eve, we’re so thankful for each of you!
With love,
Alissa, Jamie, Isabella, Eliana and Gavin
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