What an absolute joy all around to have my parents with us! They arrived bearing lots of love and gifts (including Christmas presents) from Santa Barbara. They also came bearing some fun items from home… a few new movies and coloring books for the kids, some fishing lures for Jamie and coffee for me! It’s been awesome to enjoy our days together, soaking up the parental and grandparental love that they bring and bestow upon us.
The last trip they made to Madagascar was in 2002, during the height of a political crisis… it was also the first time they met Jamie, heard him profess his love for me and was asked to marry their daughter. The trip was “one for the books” and resembled the movie, Meet the Fockers, the Madagascar edition of course. That trip ended with my parents having to charter a MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) plane to get off the island because Air France was no longer flying due to the political crisis.
With just a few days left together, I’m thrilled to say this trip has been completely opposite of what their last trip was. We had a comfortable place for them to sleep (with A/C!), we’ve enjoyed good food (no shortages because of politics), loved swimming in new pools and enjoyed shopping in the capital. Sweet, sweet memories were created and these we will hold onto after their departure.
the combining of our worlds; a shared meal with our Malagasy friends and my American parents!
beach combing for shells
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