Sarobidy Maternity Center- a video
We opened the Sarobidy Maternity Center just shy of 18-months ago. Nearly 18 months that we’ve had the privilege to provide compassionate medical care for women during their pregnancies, deliveries, and postpartum period in addition to well-baby care until their little ones are 6 months old. Nearly 18 months that we’ve been able to share life-empowering education with women each week. Nearly 18 months that we’ve been able to provide nutrient-rich vitamins and snacks. Nearly 18 months that we’ve had the chance to get to know these ladies, hear their stories, walk with them and pray with them during a precious time in their lives. Nearly 18 months that we’ve been able to do all of this, free-of-charge for women who are desperately impoverished, unemployed and many who are uneducated… and at the same time– these ladies are incredibly worthy of gentle, kind and dignified care (a rarity in this country!). It’s been well over 18 months– many years in fact, that we’ve seen God’s hand at work in mighty and faithful ways to bring us to this point!!
We recently were blessed by an amazing cinematographer and now friend, Chris Sinclair, who came to Madagascar to do some filming for Eden Projects. At the same time, he produced this incredible short video of our work at the maternity center. Take a 3-minute look into the lives of the women touched by the Sarobidy Maternity Center in Mahajanga, Madagascar.
At this time (October 2014), we are still in need of meeting the remaining 55% of the monthly operational costs for the Sarobidy Maternity Center. This equates to $1,950/month and covers rent, utilities, national staff wages, all medical care including the delivery, laboratory testing and medications for women and babies, healthy snacks, etc. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a regular financial partner of the Sarobidy Maternity Center as we together, bless the women and babies in our community? Currently, just $87 a month provides regular care for a woman who otherwise wouldn’t receive the quality of care that we provide or perhaps wouldn’t receive prenatal care, delivery support and postpartum care at all! CLICK HERE to be directed to WorldVenture, our mission agency, where 100% of your tax-deductible recurring donation is directed to the Sarobidy Maternity Center!
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