The good, the bad and the ugly…. June 2016 News
Kalamboro… (the good!)
Thank you for your many prayers that went out as we traveled as a group to the remote fishing villages of Kalamboro and Mahabana!

Mahabana… (the good and the ugly!)
of the church but never entered in… that night he died of what was believed to be a heart attack. In the end, if he had indeed come into the church, it would have been “proof” that indeed Mahabana was taboo Jesus and the Bible. Fast forward all of these years, Amina and several of their grown children are working as planters with Eden Projects and Farida, one of their daughters, was the very first zanitany to come to Christ and be baptized in Mahabana! In fact, Farida’s daughter, Jokany and Amina’s granddaughter, who lives in our city is often at our house playing with our kids!
Graduation… (the good!)
You may remember that we’ve been supporting and loving four (now grown) children for nearly 15 years! A few of you have walked alongside us as financial sponsors for Sissy, Clarisse, Vanah and Andry. Thank you!
Burglaries abound… (the ugly)
In the last 5+ years that we’ve been in our city of Mahajanga we’ve noticed a steady increase in burglaries. In the last year these incidents have becoming more numerous and serious in our immediate neighborhood often with 5-6 guys breaking in during the middle of the night armed with guns, large knives or clubs. The last break-in occurred two nights ago just two doors down from the maternity center. Though we personally have two guards each night and 4 guard dogs that patrol our property, the possibility of a break-in is always in the back of our minds and a cause for concern.
Please pray with us for protection and peace… for us, our friends, our teammates, the maternity center and our guesthouse!
Saying good-bye… (the bad!)
Somehow or another, the time has already come for us to say good-bye to Selah, our beloved friend and homeschooling teacher for the kids! She tackled life in Madagascar like a pro when she first arrived in February and has been a blessing to our families everyday since! Selah will wrap up the school year with our kids next week and will leave Madagascar later in July. We’re so thankful that the Lord brought her to this corner of the world… all the way from Trader Joe’s in Santa Barbara– it’s such a remarkable God-story!!! 🙂 Selah will be starting a super cool Human Geography degree program at a University in Hungary in the fall– this girl is serious about living life to the fullest for the Lord! Please pray with us as Selah transitions out of Madagascar and into life and full-time university in Europe! Pray as the good-byes will undoubtedly be hard for us all as she leaves!
Welcoming new teammates… (the good!)
We’re absolutely thrilled to welcome two new families to the ministry here in Mahajanga in July! Upon their arrival, our team will double with the addition of four adults and six kids!!!
An invitation…
Less than two weeks ago we sent out a special email with an invitation for lasting impact in Madagascar… if you missed it, click here to see the whole email. After several years, the original owners of the Sarobidy Center property have agreed to sell the 5-acre piece of property for 100,000 Euros (roughly $111,000). This property is the CENTER of the entire ministry and includes the Sarobidy Maternity Center, our classroom which doubles as our Sarobidy Creations artisan room, the office for both the maternity center and Eden Projects, two smaller houses for staff, a large gazebo where we have our monthly church services and where our teammates hold a weekly Saturday morning Kids Club AND Eden Reforestation Project’s research nursery, seed bank and gallery forest
Of course, $111,000 is no small chunk of change but we know that many hands together make a big impact in the ability to purchase the property and create lasting impact in Madagascar!
We’re so thankful for each of you as you stand with us, pray with us, and financially partner with the work in Madagascar… throughout the good, the bad, and the ugly!
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